Adrian Ettwein
Adrian Ettwein specializes in environmental and criminal law with particular regard to the environmental aspects of infrastructure projects. His special focus lies in legal questions regarding synthetic materials and nanoparticles. Adrian Ettwein also represents clients in cases pertaining to white-collar crime, as well as criminal cases regarding pharmaceutics and medical devices as well as administrative criminal law.
Adrian Ettwein studied at the University of St. Gallen. For more than 20 years he was an investigating magistrate and prosecutor in law enforcement. He worked on especially large and complex economic crime cases in an international context (e.g. money laundering, fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, corruption, insider trading and price manipulation) as well as criminal organizations. For more than 13 years he was a federal attorney/prosecutor at the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland. He finished his MAS in Environmental Technology and Management at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts North West Switzerland. His thesis was on the legal aspects of the dissipation of synthetics with specific reference to the dispersion of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in water.
Phone: +41 44 533 46 00
Fax : +41 533 46 09
bähr ettwein rechtsanwälte
Junkerngasse 56
P.O. Box 2321
CH-3001 Berne
Professional career:
- Guest lecturer in environmental law and enforcement at University of Applied Sciences of North West Switzerland (since 2017)
- Partner at bähr ettwein attorneys-at-law (since 2016)
- Consultant at Pharmalex GmbH (2016 – 2017)
- Federal Attorney/Prosecutor at the office of the Attorney General of Switzerland regarding white collar crime in international context (e.g. money laundering, fraud, misappropriation, embezzlement, corruption, insider trading and price manipulation) and criminal organizations (2002 – 2015)
- Cantonal investigating magistrate in the Canton of Thurgau regarding white collar crime and criminal organizations (1995 – 2002)
- Clerk at the administrative court in the Canton of Thurgau (1994 – 1995)
- Assistant at Revisuisse Price Waterhouse Zürich, in tax and legal department (1992 – 1993)
- Associate investigating magistrate in the City of St. Gallen (1991 – 1992)
- Lecturer for intellectual property rights, data protection and contractual law at the Business IT-School of Switzerland (WISS) (1992-2001)
- Assistant during his studies at the University of St. Gallen (1985 – 1990) in financial market analysis for Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann and in civil, commercial and economic law for Prof. Dr. Carl Baudenbacher
- Intern at Union Bank of Switzerland (1983 – 1985)
- MAS in Environmental Technology and Management at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of North West Switzerland (2017)
- Bar exam, Supreme Court of the Canton of St. Gallen (1993)
- Licentiate degree, University of St. Gallen (1990)
Areas of expertise:
- International and national environmental law and it’s enforcement in Switzerland (in particular water protection, light pollution, hazardous materials and waste, air pollution control, nature conservation)
- Environmental compliance and environmental liability
- Criminal law, environmental criminal law, economic criminal law, criminal law regarding pharmaceutics and medical devices as well as administrative criminal law
- International mutual legal assistance
- Data protection
- Swiss Bar Association
- Berne Bar Association
- Association of Environmental Law
- «foraus» Swiss think tank on foreign policy
- Swiss Association on criminal law
- Swiss Group of Criminology
- Chairman of the working group for economic crime of the Swiss Association of Prosecutors (2008 – 2015)
- Gewässerverschmutzung, Winzlinge mit grossem Schadenpotenzial,in: Swiss Association of Municipalities 4/2018, p. 52 f.
- “The moth” 2017, Dark-sky Switzerland, legal advice and interview
- Legal aspects of the dissipation of synthetics with specific reference to the dispersion of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in water,Thesis 2017, MAS in Environmental Technology and Management at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of North West Switzerland
- Light pollution” can be restricted without interdiction,in: Swiss Association of Municipalities 12/2015, p. 10
- German
- French
- English